Loggerhead Turtles are the largest hard-shelled turtles in the world. They are carnivorous, feeding on shellfish, crabs, sea urchins, and jellyfish. Frilled lizards open their mouths wide and ruffle out their scaly red and yellow frill like an umbrella to scare off predators. If this display doesn’t scare off an attacker, they turn tail and run away at great speed. Sharks are a group of fish called Elasmobranchii that don’t have bony skeletons.

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  • It is a large-sized canine with a generally short coat that is polished, level, and in like manner shades of brown, yellow, dark, silver, or dim.
  • Much like the Nunlet above, the Nunbirds are group ofpuffbirds in the genus Monasa.
  • They have a long lifespan for fishes, living for 20 years.
  • Like the name says, little brown bats are brown and little.
  • Considered sisters of the green iguana, the lesser Antillean iguana has a critically endangered status.

This turtle breathes through its bum, yes its anus, and it can hjortekalv remain submerged for days. Because of their sleek, appearance and large teats, ancient sailors thought they were mermaids. Swift parrots, also known as the Red-faced or Red-shouldered Parrot, are small green and yellow birds with long pointed wings. These noisy birds are the fastest parrots in the world. Black swans are large aquatic birds found in estuaries and waterways of Australia.

Did You Know? Some Sharks Can Live In Fresh Water

Together, they make up the primate superfamily Lemuroidea. Lapwings are among the most threatened bird groups in the world, due mainly to habitat loss and degradation. One of the few vultures to have a feathered head, the lammergeier has a wingspan of up to 2.83 m / 9 ft 3 in. The 6,000-plus species of ladybug make up the family Coccinellidae.

Newest Animals That Start With The Letter L

It is native to North America but can also be found throughout Central America and South America. It is named after the Mississippi River, where Europeans first discovered it. Its preferred habitat is open country with scattered trees, such as riverbanks and fields with scattered bushes or forest edges. Massasaugas are small snakes with large triangular heads and glossy scales. They tend to be brown or black, with yellowish bellies or throats. Massasaugas have been found throughout North America, including southern Canada and the United States.

The marine toad has a large flat head with bulging eyes and wide nostrils. It has webbed feet and long, sticky fingers that help it catch prey in water. The macaw is a parrot that comes in many different colors and sizes. The largest macaws are at least two feet tall, while the smallest is only 10 inches long.

Large Animals That Start With The Letter A

In fact, it’s other common names are the marsupial anteater and banded anteater. And, like the “true” anteaters in the Americas, it has an extremely long tongue and primarily feeds on termites. The name nurseryfish is also sometimes used to refer to the other member of its genus, the Indian Humpnead . The males of this species also grows a forehead hook but it is too small to be used for forehead brooding. The Nightjars comprise about 100 species of nocturnal and crepuscular birds in the familyCaprimulgidae. They are masters of camouflage and, unlike most birds, will often perch lengthwise along a branch to blend in perfectly.

Locusts are important pests of crops and other plants. The lionhead rabbit is a breed of domesticated rabbits characterized by a fluffy wool mane similar to that of a male lion. These friendly rabbits are smart, docile and energetic. Leafcutter ants are a type of ant native to South and Central America. These ants are known for their ability to cut leaves and use them to cultivate fungi.

Animals That Start With X

The tail acts as a fat reserve, enabling the animal to live without food or water for days. There are very small and limited colonies of the quokka because its numbers are declining due to predators like foxes and cats. Also known as the Australian snake-necked turtle, it is found in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and west of Adelaide and throughout south-eastern Australia. It inhabits freshwater bodies like rivers or streams, including wetlands. The length of this turtle’s neck is usually more than half the length of its shell or carapace.